Actividades extraescolares: ¿Cuándo acudir a un profesor particular?

actividades extraescolares cuando acudir a un profesor particular

En la actualidad, las actividades extraescolares son una parte fundamental en la formación y desarrollo de los niños y adolescentes. Estas actividades les permiten explorar nuevos intereses, potenciar sus habilidades y adquirir conocimientos adicionales a los que se imparten en el ámbito escolar.Sin embargo, en ocasiones, puede surgir la duda de si es necesario acudir a un profesor particular para complementar estas actividades. ¿Cuándo es el momento adecuado para tomar esta decisión? En esta presentación, analizaremos algunos aspectos a tener en cuenta para determinar si es necesario o no contar con un apoyo extra en el ámbito educativo.En primer lugar, es importante evaluar el rendimiento académico del estudiante. Si se observa que el niño o adolescente presenta dificultades en alguna asignatura específica, como matemáticas o lengua, puede ser recomendable buscar la ayuda de un profesor particular. Este profesional podrá brindar una atención individualizada y adaptada a las necesidades del estudiante, reforzando los conocimientos y resolviendo dudas de manera más personalizada.Otro aspecto a considerar es la motivación y el interés del estudiante por una actividad en particular. Si el niño o adolescente muestra un especial entusiasmo por alguna disciplina, como la música, el deporte o el arte, puede ser beneficioso contar con un profesor particular que le ayude a profundizar en dicha actividad y a desarrollar sus habilidades de manera más avanzada.Además, es importante tener en cuenta la disponibilidad de tiempo y recursos económicos de la familia. Las actividades extraescolares, sumadas a las responsabilidades escolares, pueden suponer una carga adicional para los estudiantes. Si la familia cuenta con los recursos necesarios para contratar un profesor particular y el estudiante dispone de tiempo suficiente para dedicarse a estas clases, puede ser una buena opción para optimizar su aprendizaje.Evaluar el rendimiento académico, el interés del estudiante y la disponibilidad de tiempo y recursos económicos son aspectos clave a considerar para determinar si es necesario contar con este apoyo extra. La educación y formación de nuestros niños y adolescentes es fundamental, y contar con la ayuda de profesionales capacitados puede marcar la diferencia en su desarrollo y éxito académico.

Las actividades extraescolares juegan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo integral de los niños y jóvenes. Estas actividades complementan la enseñanza que reciben en el ámbito escolar, brindándoles la oportunidad de explorar nuevos intereses y habilidades. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, puede ser necesario acudir a un profesor particular para obtener una educación más personalizada y enfocada en áreas específicas.

La decisión de acudir a un profesor particular debe basarse en diversas consideraciones:

Rendimiento académico: Si tu hijo está experimentando dificultades en una determinada materia escolar, como matemáticas o inglés, puede ser beneficioso contratar a un profesor particular. Este profesional podrá brindarle una atención individualizada y adaptar las clases a las necesidades específicas del estudiante.

Intereses y talentos: Si tu hijo muestra un interés especial por una actividad en particular, como el arte, la música o el deporte, acudir a un profesor particular puede potenciar su desarrollo y permitirle explorar su talento de manera más profunda. Estos profesionales cuentan con experiencia y conocimientos especializados en el área, lo que les permite proporcionar una enseñanza más enriquecedora y desafiante.

Preparación para exámenes: En momentos clave, como los exámenes finales o los exámenes de ingreso a la universidad, contar con un profesor particular puede marcar la diferencia en el rendimiento académico de tu hijo. Estos profesionales están familiarizados con los requisitos y contenidos de los exámenes, y pueden ayudar a los estudiantes a prepararse de manera efectiva, brindándoles estrategias de estudio y resolución de problemas.

Necesidades especiales: Si tu hijo presenta necesidades educativas especiales, como trastornos del aprendizaje o discapacidades, un profesor particular puede proporcionarle apoyo adicional y adaptar las actividades a sus capacidades y ritmo de aprendizaje. Estos profesionales están capacitados para trabajar con estudiantes con necesidades especiales y pueden ayudarles a superar los desafíos que puedan enfrentar en el ámbito académico.

Ya sea para mejorar el rendimiento académico, potenciar intereses y talentos, prepararse para exámenes o atender necesidades especiales, estos profesionales pueden brindar el apoyo necesario para el desarrollo integral de los niños y jóvenes.

Tabla de Contenidos
  1. ¿Qué es lo que hace un profesor particular?
  2. ¿Cuáles son las actividades de un docente?

¿Qué es lo que hace un profesor particular?

¿Qué es lo que hace un profesor particular?

Un profesor particular es un profesional que brinda apoyo educativo de manera individualizada a estudiantes que necesitan ayuda adicional en una materia específica. Estos profesores son expertos en su área de conocimiento y tienen la capacidad de adaptar sus métodos de enseñanza a las necesidades particulares de cada estudiante. Su objetivo principal es ayudar al estudiante a comprender y dominar los conceptos y habilidades necesarios para tener éxito en esa materia.Un profesor particular comienza por evaluar las fortalezas y debilidades del estudiante en la materia en cuestión. Esto puede incluir una revisión de sus notas, exámenes anteriores y comentarios de sus profesores regulares. Con esta información, el profesor puede identificar las áreas en las que el estudiante necesita más apoyo y diseñar un plan de estudio personalizado.A continuación, el profesor particular proporciona explicaciones claras y concisas de los conceptos y temas que el estudiante está abordando en su clase regular. Utiliza diferentes métodos y recursos educativos para asegurarse de que el estudiante comprenda completamente el material. Esto puede incluir ejercicios prácticos, ejemplos adicionales, juegos educativos y recursos en línea.Durante las sesiones de tutoría, el profesor particular también responde a las preguntas del estudiante y resuelve cualquier confusión que pueda surgir. Se asegura de que el estudiante esté progresando y comprendiendo los conceptos antes de avanzar a temas más avanzados. Además, el profesor particular también puede proporcionar consejos y estrategias para mejorar las habilidades de estudio y la organización del estudiante.El profesor particular no solo se limita a la enseñanza de los contenidos académicos, sino que también desempeña un papel importante en el desarrollo de habilidades de estudio y de pensamiento crítico. Ayuda al estudiante a adquirir técnicas de estudio efectivas, a desarrollar habilidades de resolución de problemas y a fomentar la confianza en sí mismo.Es importante destacar que un profesor particular no reemplaza la enseñanza regular en el aula, sino que complementa y refuerza los conocimientos adquiridos en clase. Trabaja en estrecha colaboración con los profesores regulares y se adapta al currículum escolar para garantizar una continuidad en el aprendizaje.Ayuda al estudiante a comprender los conceptos y habilidades necesarios para tener éxito en esa materia, proporcionando explicaciones claras, resolviendo dudas y desarrollando habilidades de estudio. Su objetivo es ayudar al estudiante a alcanzar su máximo potencial académico.

¿Cuáles son las actividades de un docente?

Un docente es un profesional encargado de impartir conocimientos y habilidades a los estudiantes. Su papel es crucial en la educación, ya que su labor va más allá de simplemente transmitir información, sino que también implica fomentar el desarrollo integral de los alumnos.

Las actividades de un docente son diversas y abarcan desde la planificación de las clases hasta la evaluación del aprendizaje. A continuación, se detallan las principales actividades que realiza un docente:

  1. Planificación de clases: El docente debe diseñar y organizar el contenido de sus clases, estableciendo los objetivos de aprendizaje y seleccionando los recursos didácticos más adecuados.
  2. Impartición de clases: Es la actividad central del docente, donde se transmite el conocimiento de manera efectiva y se fomenta la participación activa de los estudiantes.
  3. Elaboración de materiales didácticos: Los docentes deben crear o adaptar materiales educativos que faciliten el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, como presentaciones, actividades o ejercicios.
  4. Atención a estudiantes: Los docentes deben brindar apoyo y orientación a los estudiantes, tanto en el ámbito académico como personal, para fomentar su desarrollo integral.
  5. Evaluación del aprendizaje: El docente debe diseñar y aplicar diferentes tipos de evaluaciones para medir el progreso de los estudiantes y verificar si se han alcanzado los objetivos propuestos.
  6. Seguimiento y retroalimentación: Es importante que los docentes realicen un seguimiento del desempeño de los estudiantes y les brinden retroalimentación constructiva para que puedan mejorar su aprendizaje.
  7. Participación en actividades extracurriculares: Los docentes también pueden participar en actividades extracurriculares, como excursiones, eventos deportivos o proyectos comunitarios, para enriquecer la formación de los estudiantes.
  8. Actualización profesional: Los docentes deben estar en constante actualización, tanto en su campo disciplinar como en nuevas metodologías y tecnologías educativas, para mejorar su práctica docente.
  9. Colaboración con otros docentes: La colaboración entre docentes es fundamental para compartir experiencias, recursos y buenas prácticas, y así mejorar la calidad de la educación.

Su labor es esencial para el desarrollo y formación de los estudiantes, así como para el avance de la educación en general.

En conclusión, las actividades extraescolares pueden ser una excelente manera de complementar la educación de los niños y ayudarles a desarrollar habilidades adicionales. Sin embargo, es importante reconocer cuándo es necesario acudir a un profesor particular. Si el niño está teniendo dificultades en una materia específica o necesita un refuerzo adicional, la ayuda de un tutor puede marcar la diferencia. Además, si el niño muestra un interés particular en algún campo, como la música o el deporte, un profesor especializado puede proporcionar una orientación más enfocada y ayudarle a alcanzar su máximo potencial. En última instancia, la decisión de acudir a un profesor particular dependerá de las necesidades y metas individuales de cada niño, así como de la disposición y recursos de la familia.
Bestseller No. 1
TOYFIT 52 Pages Preschool Learning Activities, Montessori Busy Book for Kids 3 4 5, Preschool Workbook Education Toy for Toddlers, Handwriting Tracing Practice Book Birthday Gifts for Kids
  • 【52 Pages Preschool Learning Activities】: Our toddler learning activity is a convenient educational learning resource toy. It come with a nice gifts box, contains 52 pages of skill practice and cognitive learning, enough reusable Velcro, 9 dry erase markers, 1 whiteboard eraser, 1 cloth and a storage bag. Portable for toddlers to carry and storage. Our learning & education toys are made to improve motor skills, cognitive skills, identification, basic literacy and hand-eye coordination.
  • 【Montessori Busy Book for Kids 1-3】: Montessori toy busy book for 1 2 3. Preschool educational busy book covers 16 themes, including letters, numbers, words, drawing & coloring, counting, tracing, alphabet game, maze game, search & find, alphabet, body parts, color mixing, matching, add and subtract, Tic-tac-toe, daily checklist. Through these games and exercises, you can learn shapes, colors, animals, fruits, vegetables, weathers, etc., suitable for early cognitive development education toy.
  • 【Preschool Workbook for Toddlers 2-4】: The preschool busy workbook is extremely attractive and repeatable activities allow your child to learn and practice all the contents of the book unlimited times. Kids will love this vibrant design, printed on high-quality thick card stock little-hand-friendly edges not sharp and featuring a sturdy plastic spring binding. As a learning and educational toy, parents and children learn and play with this book together, promoting parent-child relationships.
  • 【Alphabet Learning & Tracing Books for Kids】: Learn and have fun with busy board sensory toys. This preschool practice book is a great educational toy for young children and can be used in a variety of situations, at home, in kindergarten, on the plane, in the car, in restaurants, on the lawn, in the park, and more. Keep preschool away from screen and learning skills through play. Great toy for airplane and car travel activities.
  • 【Wonderful Gifts for Kids】: The exquisite gifts box is definitely suitable as a gift for any festival. Great option for teacher supplies materials, classroom game, preschool, kindergarten, home school. Best Halloween, Birthday, Christmas, Children's Day gifts for 3 4 5 6 7+ year old toddlers kids boys girls. It keeps your child entertained, learn skills while having fun and screen-free.
Bestseller No. 2
Huijing Montessori Preschool Learning Activities Newest 29 Themes Busy Book - Workbook Activity Binder / Toys for Toddlers, Autism Learning Materials and Tracing Coloring Book
  • 【LEARNING WHILE PLAYING】 This is a book helping toddlers to learning while playing.Parents can participate in children’s activities to help them understand thinking, perceive colors, and enhance logical knowledge. The busy book game is an excellent educational toy developed for children over 3 years old
  • 【15 THEMES AND 14 DRAWING&WRITING PAGES】 This Busy Book covers 15 themes, including numbers, alphabet, Food & drink, fruits, animals, rainbow, colors, shapes, size discrimination, transportation, weather, week, seasons, holidays and planets. Each themes can enrich the child's knowledge base. There is also a 14-page drawing and writing page to meet the needs of children who love to write and paint, and is equipped with 8 colored pens
  • 【DIVERSE LEARNING EXPERIENCE】 This preschool educational toy is multi-functional, allowing child to develop fine motor skills, communication, verbal and problem-solving skills, memory, logic, imagination and visual perception,etc
  • 【SAFE TO PLAY】 The certification was passed (CPC,Children’s Product Certificate). This preschool educational toy are made with the highest quality safe material that will withstand through generations of learning. The edges of the flash cards are rounded to avoid any potential harm
  • 【BEST GIFT】 Keeping the children busy and get a moment of silence for yourself when you need. So, this is great gift for our children,even for parents.Need to attach the Velcro by yourself
RebajasBestseller No. 3
Busy Book for Kids, Montessori Autism Sensory Educational Toys, 12 Pages Toddler Preschool Activity Binder and Early Learning Toys - for Boys & Girls Develops Fine Motor Skills
  • ENHANCED VERSION BUSY BOOKS:Busy Book Learning Toys is Double Thickening Treatment, Strong and Durable, Prevent Small Hand Injury Caused By Too Thin Small Card, Not Easy To Bend, Deformation and Tear.
  • KIDS FAVORITE DESIGN:We Designed 12 Themes for Toddler Learning Activities Ages 2-4, Including Colors, Letters, Numbers, Rainbow, Shapes, Dinosaur, Vehicle, Weather, Match The Pictures, Cognition of Facial, Vegetables, Fruits, and Planets Etc.
  • PRESCHOOL ACTIVITY BOOKS:This Busy Book Preschool Learning Toys Helps Create The Link Between Learning and Playing, Allowing Kids To Learn To Understand Thinking, Perceive Colors, and Enhance Logical Knowledge. Contains Knowledge and Content That Children Need To Know The Most.
  • SECURITY EDUCATIONAL TOY:Our Preschool Activity Binder Use The Highest Quality Safety Materials, A Good Educational Toy for Preschool Teaching Aids, Home Educational Tools, and It Is Also A Parent-child Activities Toys! All Materials Are Safe and Non-toxic.
  • GREAT TRAVEL TOY CHOICE:Ideal for Long Car Journey & Plane Ride Activities Travel Toys for Toddlers To Keep Your Kid Busy. Toddler Travel Activities, Easy To Carry. Non-hassle Return Within 30 Days. Buy with Confidence.
Bestseller No. 4
Dinhon Busy Book Preschool Learning Activities Latest 30 Themed - Workbooks Activity Binders Travel Toys for Toddlers, Autism Learning Materials and Tracing Coloring Books Montessori Toys for Age 3 +
  • Multifunctional Busy book :15 themes and 15 drawing writing pages, including letters, numbers, food and drink, fruit, animals, dinosaurs, rainbows, colors, shapes, sizes, traffic, weather, days of the week, seasons, body parts and planets. Each theme can enrich the children's knowledge base, meet the needs of children over the age of 3 who love to write and draw, and comes with eight colored pens.
  • Toddler Activity Book: This busy toddler learning toy helps to establish the link between learning and play, allowing children to learn to understand the mind, perceive color, and enhance logic. It contains the most important knowledge and content for 3-5 years old children. It is a good educational toy for children's teaching AIDS, family education tools and parent-child activities.
  • Montessori Preschool Play: This preschool educational toy is versatile, sensory growth, allowing children to develop fine motor skills, language and problem solving, communication, language and problem solving skills, improving basic literacy, memory, recognition, hand-eye coordination, imagination, logic and visual perception. It is also an ideal teaching aid for speech therapy for patients with autism and language disorders, and a perfect educational gift!
  • Best travel toy choice: Children's travel toys to keep your kids busy with long car trips and airplane activities. Its diverse and attractive content, size, weight and storage bag design is just right, easy to carry, is one of the best travel toys for boys and girls.
  • 100% safety guarantee: our children's puzzle book through the certification (CPC, children's product certification, in line with ASTM D-4236), flash card edge for round, and double thickened, durable, prevent small card too thin cause small hand injury, can withstand several generations of learning. You can buy with confidence.
Bestseller No. 5
TickleMe Plant Classroom or Homeschool Science Fun Planting Party kit - for 30 Students - Grow The House Plant That Closes Its Leaves When You Tickle It. Includes Activity Book
  • GROW THIS SENSITIVE PLANT FOR EARTH DAY - GREAT LEARNING STEM ACTIVITY or Home School Activity for DISTANCE LEARNING - INCLUDES The TickleMe Plant Book with over 60 COLOR Photos! Fun Science Family activities for girl scouts and boy scouts!
  • UNIQUE SCIENCE PARTY FAVOR ACTIVITY IDEA- Perfect For Bring Your Child To Work Day! After school activities, Gardening clubs
  • CLASSROOM SEED STARTER INDOOR GARDEN KIT ACTIVITIES for Kids of all ages,, Corporate activities, Green Activities, Elementary science
  • STRESS RELIEF: Touching the leaves can be a relaxing and stress-relieving activity. The plant's response to touch is soothing and can be a great way to relieve anxiety or stress.
Bestseller No. 6
Creativity for Kids Sensory On The Go: Farmers Market - Preschool and Toddler Learning Sensory Kit, Sensory Bin Toddler Activities for Ages 3-5+
  • PRETEND PLAYSET: Enjoy creative playtime at home or on the go! Create a pretend farmers market with this sensory kit filled with fun, locally-grown learning toys that engage the senses. Just add imagination to bring your sensory bin to life with colorful scented dough, fun sensory toys, and mini fruits and veggies, all packed in a compact "lunch box"
  • SENSORY BIN: Sensory bins allow toddlers to discover, imagine, and learn while engaging their senses. The self-contained sensory kit makes for perfect on-the-go car activities for kids and toddlers. The portable sensory box is easy to clean up and provides endless hours of quiet, independent play!
  • TODDLER SENSORY TOYS: Toddlers can use the preschool toys in the Creativity for Kids Sensory bin to engage their senses while building fine motor skills. This sensory bin includes 3 colors of apple-scented dough and plenty of sensory toys: a sensory sound tube, a silly suction cup friend, cookie cutters, push mold, food stickers, sensory toys, and more!
  • PRESCHOOL TOYS: All toddler sensory toys and bin fillers are carefully selected and tested to provide the best toddler girl and boy toys for ages 3-4+. Since 1976, Creativity for Kids has proudly made fun and creative toddler activities to nurture children's confidence for life
  • ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS: The Creativity for Kids Sensory Box provides endless toddler activities that encourage independent, quiet time play. Sensory kits are great preschool toys for any toddler and provide hours of pretend play. Toddlers can engage in cognitive tasks such as counting and sorting. Play at home or on-the-go! This toddler sensory toy provides plenty of hands on car activities for kids
Bestseller No. 7
Tiiano Montessori Educational Toys for Toddlers - Preschool Learning Activities for 2-4 Year Olds, Dry Erase Marker Set with Kindergarten Workbooks, Preschool Classroom Must-Haves
  • Preschool Learning Activities - preschool toys with tracing lines, curves and holding pens, drawing, numbers 1 to 10, shapes, colors, animals, fruits, looking at the arrow direction, etc., very suitable for early educational cognitive development, three buttons are combined into one In this book, flash memory cards are not easy to lose.The corner arc design of the educational toys will not scratch toddler.
  • Durable Tracing Activity - The flash card is waterproof and torn, which can be reused for a long time. Kindergarten learning activities is easy to wipe with blackboard sassafras or paper towels, and no paper is wasted.If the dry erase marker is used up, any standard dry erase marker can be used instead. If accidentally stain their hands or floor with ink during toddler learning toys, they can easily clean them with water and cloth.
  • Preschool Classroom Must Haves - Toddler learning toys are specially designed for preschoolers. 48 highly participatory and repeatable activities. By allowing toddler to repeat learning to absorb their own pace, practice writing skills in advance, and promote toddler learning and fine motor skills development.
  • Toddler Learning Toys - Montessori toys contains 24 double sided activity, 12 double sided drawing cards,4 dry erase markers, 1 eraser and 3 buttons. Key skills include reading and comprehension, creative thinking, concentration, observation and practice writing skills.Really suitable for toddler learning activities ages 2-4, with skill-oriented content and truly innovative content with unlimited participation for preschool children.
  • Montessori Toys for 2 Year Olds - This toddler activity is suitable for 2-4 years old preschool, kindergarten, homeschool classroom perfect toddler learning activities ages 2-4 games.This was chose on a gift list for a preschool teacher. It is also an ideal choice for kids to establish contact with friends, siblings and family.
Bestseller No. 8
Tinkletots Montessori Preschool Busy Book for Toddlers, Montessori Toys for Toddlers, Autism Sensory Educational Toys, Preschool Learning, Kindergarten Learning Activities, Special Needs Toys
  • ✨ INTERACTIVE PRESCHOOL ACTIVITY BOOK — One of the best learning & education toys for toddlers 2-4 year olds; thoughtfully-crafted toddler activities with original content and design to promote early learning; this busy board book helps children learn numbers, letters, colors, shapes, days of the week, weather, seasons, emotions, and more
  • ✨ PROMOTE COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT AND FINE MOTOR SKILLS — Our preschool busy book helps build self-confidence; this activity book for kids gives them a hands-on outlet for learning which is important for preschool, kindergarten, and sensory growth
  • ✨ BEAUTIFUL, ENGAGING ILLUSTRATIONS — Tinkletots Montessori preschool activity binder features brighter colors, exciting graphics, and pre k learning activities to make learning more fun for boys and girls, so they stay interested in the entire learning process
  • ✨ BUILD STRONGER BONDS TOGETHER — While children can play alone and be engaged for hours, our preschool learning toys and busy books are a great way to build strong, healthy bonds with your child. A must-have if you are looking for autism learning materials and homeschooling supplies; an ideal teaching aid for autism and speech therapy
  • ✨ COMPLIMENTARY CARRY BAG — Each toddler busy book comes with a high-quality storage and carry bag that can be brought everywhere, so that learning can be fun at home or on-the-go. One of the best toddler travel activities that will also make a perfect educational gift!
RebajasBestseller No. 9
beetoy Shapes Bean bags Matching Game - Toddler Preschool Learning Activities Memory for Numbers, Shapes, Colors, Words, Preschool Classroom Must Haves Learning Toys for Toddlers (10PCS)
  • LEARNING & MATCHING GAME - 10 PCS beanbags beautifully crafted in a variety of shapes and colors, and with numbers and English, the bundle pockets expand to a matching map. The bean bag can be matched on the drawstring pocket, and the baby can learn numbers, shapes, English and colors during the play. The bean bags are filled with soft cotton and are sized specifically for their little hands. Don't worry about getting hurt while playing.
  • DEVELOP FINE MOTOR SKILLS - This preschool activity toys help children learn shapes and colors through a fun matching game while developing hand-eye coordination. Promoting all-round development of baby's hands, eyes and brain, the drawstring bag can also help babies develop the habit of organizing toys, and develop their motor skills in many ways.
  • WITH SQUEAK & BELLS TOYS - This great sensory baby toys helps baby's hearing and visual development. Each differently shaped bean bag can make a squeak or a bell. There are vibrators and squeaks inside when they tap and shake these cute and soft shapes, which add extra fun. beetoy children's entertainment toys are easier to attract children's attention, so that they no longer feel bored.
  • HIGH QUALITY & EASY TO CLEAN - The material of this baby toys is cotton, the material is soft and harmless and will not harm your baby's health, these soft matching toys are very easy to clean and disinfect. Just wring out the water and let it dry in a ventilated place. No more throwing toys around, the drawstring pockets hold the toys nicely and are easy to carry, making them the perfect travel toy.
  • 100% QUALITY GUARANTEE - Your satisfaction is our first priority. We take care of all quality-related issues with a REPLACEMENT OR FULL REFUND. If you encounter any problem while using, don’t hesitate to send email to us.
Bestseller No. 10
Set of 155 Wooden Pattern Blocks Geometric Manipulative Shape Puzzle Kindergarten Graphical Classic Educational Montessori Tangram Toys for Kids Ages 3+ Jigsaw Puzzles Gift with 24 Pcs Design Cards
  • 【WOODEN PUZZLERS】This is a fun and creative way for your kids to explore shapes and symmetry. 155 blocks there are plenty for making many different patterns. Such as animals, people, flowers, ships, trees and more geometric pattern. These blocks work on those cards perfectly and Learning Advantage cards have simpler & nicer designs for kids. Young children’s fun enlightenment puzzle, Church baby distinguish between different colors, shape of the blocks, fostering children’s cognitive ability.
  • 【SAFE MATERIAL】All the pieces are made of Environmental protection,odorless and zero chemical,non-toxic and tasteless water paints material,nicely sanded,and painted .Each edge has circular arc design,smooth polished without burrs, wooden shapes feel soft and smooth in hands, thick and beautifully colored, not heavy wood, far superior.The sturdy construction ensures durability and provide maximum protection for your child.
  • 【INCLUDE】155 pcs of pattern blocks with 6 different sturdy shapes and colors, 24 design cards and 1 storage bag.Various shapes include purple squares, red hexagons, yellow trapezoids, green parallelograms, blue skinny rhombus and red triangles .A drawstring bag is included for easy travel and storage.
  • 【FUN & EDUCATION LEARNING】It can build early shape,color and number recognition skills for develop hand-eye coordination and intellectual development,can inspire children's imagination as well as promote their physical and intellectual development.
  • 【PERFECT GIFT】This funny toy would make an ideal gift for kids ages 3+ years old.Whether Christmas Gift or Birthday Gift, it's a very good idea. Kids will love this pattern puzzle and will love you for it.You can play with your children and teach them how to solve the puzzle problem. We think this is a good opportunity for you to communicate with your child and listen to the happy hours of the children.


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